
Meetings of the Bagaduce Watershed Association

July 18,2004 Penobscot Town Hall 7 pm Bagaduce Watershed Association general meeting. Local historian and columnist Mark Honey will give a presentation: "The History of the Bagaduce River." Mr. Honey writes a history column for the Castine Patriot and is a member of the Penobscot Historical Society.

May 19. Bagaduce Watershed Association. General meeting Guest speaker Naomi Schalit, executive director of Maine Rivers, will give a slide presentation on the role of the alewife in the Gulf of Maine ecosystem and in our rivers, as well as their decline and the potential for their restoration.


August 14, 2003 Brooksville Bagaduce Watershed Association meeting 5pm Brooksville Town Landing. (Rain location: Brooksville Community Ctr, Bucks Harbor.) Agenda: year in review, BOD election, Potluck supper. INfo Nonny Ferriday 326-0580.

June 5, 2003 7 pm Penobscot. The Bagaduce Watershed Association will host a public presentation called "Linking Land Use to Water Quality" on Thursday June 5 and the Penobscot Town Hall at 7:00 pm. This program is co-sponsored by the Maine State Planning Office program Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) and will be presented by Janet Redman, Coordinator of the Union River Watershed Coalition (URWC) and Watershed Coordinator at the College of the Atlantic (COA)

Redman will discuss the ways organizations and groups of individuals can be involved locally in addressing non-point source issues through both their individual actions and decisions, and through collective activities such as town planning. NEMO programs assist communities in moving forward with natural-resource based planningby focusing on two major aspects of land use- those areas to be preserved and those suitable for development.

May 8, 2003 7pm Penobscot Bagaduce Watershed Association meeting at the Penobscot School on Rt 199. Join us! Bring a friend or neighbor! We'll tell you what went on this winter. This is a call to Action! Get involved with your River! This meeting is appropriate for 10 and up.