

Adams, Kurt

From: Burt, Sarah

Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 11:53 AM To: Waterbury, Jamie A; Adams, Kurt; Ainsworth, Kathryn M; Boucher, Lance; Burt, Sarah; Cashman, Andy; Colwell Jr, Patrick; Davies, Richard; Fort, Daryl; Goding, Kim; Hounsell, Alanna; Hutchinson, Marilyn; Leach, Joy; Lincoln, Jane; Mullen, Lennie; Nagusky, Beth; Riley, Trish; Smith, Rose; Stearns, Alan; Umphrey, Lee

Subject: Fair Play for Harpswell FOAA II

On February 12, 2004, the Office of the Governor received a Freedom of Access Request from Andrew S. Hagler, counsel to Fair Play for Harpswell.

Pursuant to Maine's Freedom of Access Law, Fair Play for Harpswell has requested that we make available the following:

1) Any memorandum or report, and all drafts thereof, concerning issues of safety and/or security at the proposed Gas Facility, including but not limited to revisions or amendments to the draft report that was sent to Kurt Adams and Alan Steams by Commissioner Michael Cantara under cover of his memorandum dated October 29, 2003.

2) Any memorandum or report, and all drafts thereof, concerning issues of safety and/or security at a proposed Liquefied Natural Gas facility to be operated or in the environs of Sears Island, Maine.

Please review the public records in your custody for any meeting the above request, and let me know by 5 pm on Wednesday, February 18 whether you have any documents to produce.

Thank you for helping us comply with this request.

Sarah Burt

Associate Legal Counsel
Office of the Governor
Phone: (207) 287-3537
Fax: (207) 287-1034
Email: sarah.burt(a;
