
Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine

Inner Sandy Cove Grounds. - About 2 miles NNW. from West Sandy Cove. These are 3 miles long NNE. and SSW. by ½ mile wide. Both hand-lining and trawling methods of fishing are in use here, hut the trawl is fast displacing the older gear. Depths are about 35 fathoms over a sandy bottom and 50 fathoms all about it. Species and their seasons of abundance are as on the Outer Sandy Cove Ground.

Almost anywhere between Spencer Island and Cape Split there is good haddock fishing in June and July and cod fishing in May and June. Depths are from 16 to 40 fathoms: the bottom is generally stony, with considerable areas of gravel. The fishing Is done principally by trawling, rather short "sets" being made. Off Cape Split are considerable whirlpools, which, with spring tides, are very dangerous. These sometimes run 9 knots an hour.
