
Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine

Lurcher Shoal .-This lies WSW. from Cape St. Mary 19 miles and WNW. from Cape Fourchu, distant 13 miles. It is an irregularly shaped piece of bottom, a rocky ground, about 5 miles long, north and south, by 3 miles wide.

There are a number of "nubbles" arising to 5, 7, and 9 fathom depths - with a spot reported as having only 12 feet of water over it - rising from the average depths over the rest of the shoal of from 13 to 15 fathoms. Over this generally rocky bottom are scattered patches of gravel and of shells. Depths about the shoal are from 30 to 50 fathoms over a bottom consisting mostly of stones. Tide rips are very heavy here.

The seasons and species found here are as on Trinity: cod, haddock, pollock, and herring. It is a good lobster ground.